About Me

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A wannabe politician, determined to make a mark in the national political arena. Presently employed in a global outsourcing firm. Family & Friends are my only assets. My greatest strength are my brothers & My biggest liability Laziness. This blog is dedicated to my urge to write on issues that bother me and those that have touched me.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Death of a friend and how I got back my life

I knew it was imminent when she was no longer her radiant self,  and last weekend when for brief momentary phase of no sound emanating from her I knew it I had to prepare for the worst. However prepared you are there are certain things in life that always captures you by sheer timing, it happened over the weekend, I had just come back from the office party and she let out her last grasp of being. The family was stunned, some members of the family retreated to their den (bedroom) to wail in isolation, or so thought I, kids did not comprehend what was happening and emptiness surrounded our home. Suddenly, eerie silence enveloped, it took us a while to reconcile with our loss and we prepared to spend the Sunday without her, I didn’t know, when was the last time we were without her.

As always with life, morning bloomed and the house was its usual self, family found the energy to gather around the dining table for the morning coffee, quietly settling into the Sunday morning. No mention of her, everybody seemed to be busy with their chores, kids took out their cycle, I whipped out my Sunday morning paper, my wife decided to go for a walk and elders in the family conversed. I listened to the kids, eavesdropped on the elders talk and awaited for my wife to return. I strangely felt the connection with the home as never before. Our Sunday mornings are usually short but this time it was longer than before, we managed to accomplish quite a lot.  After months, I found time to take a siesta with my kids, ready my favorite book in evening, called up a couple of old time friends, prepared for the next day office work and the clock has just struck 8.00 pm.  Must have been the longest in the recent memory, I didn’t know she could make such a difference and then at the sound of calling bell, we ushered in the specialist and he took a look at her and told us nothing major…she can be revived back to life. All you need is backlight replacement for your LED TV. The entire household let a cry of relief, and I was not sure if I would ever get to relish every minute of my Sunday as I had with that TV on, especially with a test match on the cards. I wish, I had written RIP my dear TV, but then I knew I would lose the motion by a clear majority at home. However, now I know how beautiful my Sunday’s would be without her.

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