About Me

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A wannabe politician, determined to make a mark in the national political arena. Presently employed in a global outsourcing firm. Family & Friends are my only assets. My greatest strength are my brothers & My biggest liability Laziness. This blog is dedicated to my urge to write on issues that bother me and those that have touched me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Friends

Date: May 10th 2000
Venue: Coffee shop in race course road, Coimbatore
Tears welled up, emotions ran high, words stuttered and voices choked, this was how may 10th 2000 turned out to be for veg roll gang. It was the last day of our final semester exams (except for poor me! I still had one more exam to go). We wanted to slowdown the clock, if possible stop it, eventually to give it away once again to the vagaries of time and had to part saying goodbye ( I guess for the nth time, until the dusk chased us away). At the time we just had hopes of keeping in touch, though we knew we would stand connected through our ever green memories

In between……… (2001. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005….till 2006 December)
Venue: The virtual coffee shop

Marriages, studies, job and other paraphernalia got in between, all of us made earnest effort in our lives be it setting up home or climbing the professional ladder and in between we kept in touch through phone calls, emails and the old fashioned way of writing letters (believe me people did that too) reliving those memories and cementing a stronger foundation. Needless to say other priorities of life (husbands & wifeJ, jobsL, in laws, exams) took priority nevertheless those emails, calls and letter kept flowing in at least once a year. This is how we stand as individuals in our own right six years later

Amudha – still struggling to hear, got a kid makes an amazing mom. Graduated from being an amateur cook to a professional, hosting parties (see her thanks giving day pics).Wonderful wife (she claims, yet to be confirmed) and let me state this, but it’s for you to believe, she is doing a course and has a A grade in it – interior designing

Brendha – As ravishing as she used to be and still could make a few heads turn her way, makes an effective home maker. Drives around Chennai city in her maruti zen and exhibits her lecturing skills to the hapless commuters.

Mercy – Lives in the silicon valley of India, strolls around the city in a vehicle???? ( I am yet to see the vehicle) has loaned her charm to the power of infinity to her daughter, has a husband with Greek god looks.

Rasika - From kaddu Ramakrishna puram to Houston, the transformation has been dramatic to say the least, Manages home & work with aplomb. Runs marathons (100 mts 200 mts), eats American food and DRIVES!!!!!Not sure about the vehicle, should be driving the only bullock cart in America.

Thennai – she is a strict lecturer, who can even lecture to students in the college bus. Got married recently (few weeks back) and her husband is all set to leave the country (thanks to her teaching skills)

Prabhu – New Manager in a MNC, believe me it is true!! Drives around bangaluru in his bike, looks like the hindi movie bhai loag . Still flirts…..oops his ultimate boss might read this. Married, not married…..speculate

Jana - As usual, Mr. Nice Guy

Date: Undecided but sometime in 2007
Venue: yet to be finalized

We all are set to meet as a gang again or in groups, as the two NRIs of our gang are all set to visit to India. This time when its time to say good bye , voice wouldn’t choke, there would be no tears because the times has taught us that we can defeat it in its own game and keep our flame of friendship alive and burning in full vigor. The frequency of visits would drop, mails might not flow as frequently as it used to be but we are not bothered because we have transcended from being friends to one big family, the Veg – Roll family. We fight, we bicker, might disagree with each other but then that’s family for you………………As we welcome the new year, let me welcome the two new members of our veg – roll gang

SARVESH & TANIA…………………………………………….

If you are puzzled about the non inclusion of the spouses, do understand by default ( they might not approve the word, never mind) they become part of this family

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