About Me

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A wannabe politician, determined to make a mark in the national political arena. Presently employed in a global outsourcing firm. Family & Friends are my only assets. My greatest strength are my brothers & My biggest liability Laziness. This blog is dedicated to my urge to write on issues that bother me and those that have touched me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How it happened……….

How it happened……….

It was one of those days when I just couldn’t do anything wrong. I had just landed with an opportunity to do attend a workshop and I was taking the office cab to my sister place. As she stays close to the venue I thought it would be better if I stayed over night.

The cab was already waiting and the transport in charge directed me to get into that waiting cab. As I clawed my way into the cab, there were already two people inside. I paid no attention to them and was fully geared for the evening fun with my sister and her family. After a few minutes I realized that driver hadn’t come yet and other two in the cab were getting restless. That’s when I first looked at her, in the dark I could see nothing but silhouette and I could sense I was in the company of a beautiful girl and I wasn’t anyway interested whatsoever. The other companion of mine was a male and had no uniqueness about him, one of hundred faces we meet every day. As the driver took time, the girl stepped down from the car that’s when I noticed her in full moonlight. She had a long flowing hair, carved out eye brows and was impeccable dressed. I was impressed;

Driver arrived and the car moved, I immersed myself in music and other two were chatting with each other. We passed through a by-pass road and I suddenly got into the conversation, it was about where each other were getting down. As I was new to Chennai I was asking the guy (I figured his name is Vijay) about certain places the conversation meandered into where I am from and what I do. This is was just between Vijay and myself. The other passenger in the car remained a stranger. We passed through a film shooting contingent and that’s the first time I spoke to her and saw her face. I was mighty impressed but again, I have come through so many such pretty faces and those meant nothing except spicing up my journey. So the interest factor remained subdued.

Vijay got down. That left me and the girl in the car barring the driver. We still had close to 10 km to cover and the traffic was moving at snail’s pace. I decided to know about the girl as she reminded me of somebody I knew, ha! she reminded of my colleagues who works out of London. I confronted her with the same question, I know that was poor opening but then I was just being honest. She nodded in the negative. I still can’t remember what happened next but we were already in a conversation. As the conversation grew, my interest was growing proportionately. Not that she was a great conversationalist but she was great to look at and her expressions were just too captivating. I couldn’t resist, so I asked where you from. I just couldn’t believe the answer; she was from my home town – Coimbatore! My interest skyrocketed. I pounded her with questions on her schooling, where she lived and what she studied. She answered without any reservations and showed interest on knowing where I come from in Coimbatore.

I just didn’t want the car to stop and for once I loved the traffic jam and wished the traffic intensifies. The Almighty had his own designs and I reached the designated place full 10 minutes before I anticipated. Then it struck I haven’t asked her name, I quickly without sounding flirtatious asked her name and she said “Akila”. It stuck.

I just couldn’t come over the feeling I felt towards her, it was too deep to call it infatuation; it was too real to call it unfinished agenda of the previous birth. It was too quick to call it love. It was too overwhelming to call it flash in the pan emotion. I just couldn’t put a word to it but I knew it meant something profound. I didn’t share it with my sister, which I usually do about girls. May be this was different. I wanted to tell her, I waited for everybody to sleep, that’s just my niece and brother in law, then slowly told my sister that I met a ravishing girl in the car and I just didn’t want the car to stop. Her usual reply is “not again” but then as if sensing my feeling she asked did you enquire about her family (caste). I wished I had, but then laughed off her suggestion saying that would be too unprofessional.

As I slipped into sleep with that overwhelming and spontaneous feeling, her face got etched in my memory. I don’t know whether I am still sleeping or just living a dream, I am getting married to her in the near future and that for me matters. Don’t you think this is one hell of coincidence to share?

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