About Me

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A wannabe politician, determined to make a mark in the national political arena. Presently employed in a global outsourcing firm. Family & Friends are my only assets. My greatest strength are my brothers & My biggest liability Laziness. This blog is dedicated to my urge to write on issues that bother me and those that have touched me.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

New year goals – some ordinary and some not so ordinary

I always refrained from taking up new year goals, one for being inconsistent about going after them and the other, it is too cliched at this time of the year. This year I am making an exception having been at the crossroads both professionally and personally, I decided to make goals that I would love to go after.

  1. Make Monday's bloom – I want to get rid of Monday blues and look forward to the blooming of the workweek. I am doing a lot of soul-searching, have started listing down work that excites me, and writing down what makes my Monday less good than a Sunday morning. I am determined to change this and will share my journey. If it eventually means a change in job, role or a different professional orientation will surely take that leap this year in 2022.
  2. 2 hr. vacation time every day – I aim to carve out 2 hrs in a day to engage in activity that I would normally do on weekends/vacation if it means cutting down on work-related stuff, serious reading so be it. I am very keen to add 10 hours of vacation time every week. I engage in boxing, sleeping, and watching a movie during weekends. (did someone call it bold, that is the intent 😊)
  3. Personally, meet a friend/acquaintance once a fortnight – for some time now (it could be decades) haven’t been engaged in a real conversation (like what should I do, am I thinking through it right) with anyone at length. I intend to seek out these conversations, I am aiming to start with my brothers 😊, and I am sure it would be one hell of a reflection. That will be in-person sans technology (Pandemic permitting)
  4. Seek out professionals – I am going to engage a professional to help me better my skills at work, fitness, boxing, or writing. I haven’t decided which one among the four yet but intend to at least get one top-class professional to help me with the identified area of interest (I am ready to splurge)
  5. Sleep 8 hours – Not that I haven’t been getting 8 hours, but I wanted to make it a to-do list and a non-negotiable one. More than any other goal, I want to crush this one.

These might not be groundbreaking, but I have had difficulty in the past executing them. Now I am intent on working on these goals. I am certain they make me happy, that in essence is the purpose of the pursuit.

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