About Me

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A wannabe politician, determined to make a mark in the national political arena. Presently employed in a global outsourcing firm. Family & Friends are my only assets. My greatest strength are my brothers & My biggest liability Laziness. This blog is dedicated to my urge to write on issues that bother me and those that have touched me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lotus Revolution

The famous Jasmine revolution in Tunisia and Tahrir square uprising in Egypt woke the revolutionist in me. If Tunisia, placed 91 in Human development Index (HDI, rates countries based on quality of life of its citizens) and Egypt placed 101 in HDI can demand better quality of life from their governments, I am forced to ponder why not in India, and we are placed at 119 in HDI 2010.and yet life continues hunky dory for the educated elite (like me)
Parliament has long ceased to be a place where debates aimed at people welfare are conducted; it is now an inglorious example of incivility that has entered out democratic space. Politicians are convicted by the public, acquitted by the courts and made ministries by the compulsion of coalition politics Judiciary active at the helm is rotting at the grass root level with dilapidated courtroom and broken litigants, speedy justice never exist. Our collective sense of antipathy has become so big that rotting mountains of food grain amidst squalor poverty fail to move us. Corruption is the most researched, written and conveniently forgiven ailment in our country. Even a scam almost totaling our external debt doesn’t disturb us.
The answer, I see to end all these parasitical issues is to address them within the frame work of democracy and not to bury our heads in the sand. We must vote! I know you have heard this before but this community of “we must vote” will constitute a growing number of enlightened, educated and intelligent voters and to cater to this vote bank the politicians need to perform. Perform to Vote. This is a vote bank our democracy would love to have.
This community will have no leaders, not forums we just use the modern technology like internet to spread our message and get the critical mass to make people/parties sit up and take notice. We might take another 20 years to see the kind of change we are aspiring for but then 1857 to 1947 were even longer than this. At the moment, I am brimming with hope and we know our next step is to just join this community and lets show the strength. Internet will be our Tahrir square.
Lotus represent our country and its apt we name it lotus revolution. Let’s take the first step of joining this community.

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